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指導教授:Gilles BOILEAU、Catherine DESSINGES

口試委員:Fabienne BOISSIERAS


在人類史中,服裝不僅作為防禦身體的功用,更存在其社會文化的意涵,尤其致力於性別的建構與區分。過去西方社會長期以來男女逕渭分明的服裝規範影響甚深,至今,二元的服裝觀念仍或多或少限縮現代人們對於性別的想像。 本論文針對二元的性別觀以及性別化的服飾提出疑問,並試圖在性別光譜的兩極中,探尋服裝時尚是如何發展,而達到多元流動的可能。首先,透過女性主義的演變,我們得以理解性別的概念如何與生物決定論脫鉤,成為異性戀父權體制下,權力關係的產物。而因此能進一步藉由政治行動,翻轉此一支配與附屬的不平等關係,朝男/女、陰柔/陽剛氣質、異/同性戀二元之外的多元性別表達發展。接著,服裝作為建構性別的主要途徑之一,我們藉由爬梳西方時尚史的發展脈絡,探討近代性別化的服裝規範是如何奠定,並成為支配者維持其統治體制的手段;而性別二分的服飾疆野,又是如何從第一次世界大戰至今,相互拉鋸、消長,走向不設限的道路。最後,以法國服裝設計師尚.保羅.高提耶(Jean-Paul Gaultier)的設計作品及影像廣告為例,分析其如何打破性別窠臼、玩轉既定的性別符號。時尚因此不僅造就性別,也同時具有顛覆常規的力量。


Clothing is not only limited to the function of protecting the body, but also as a silent language used to reflect the social fact, status, individual and collective identities, etc. In particular, it is one of the places that participates in the social construction of the difference of the sex. In Western societies, dress codes have dictated for centuries that women wear skirts and sophisticated clothing, and men wear trousers and more sober clothes (later spreading to the rest of the world). Even today, this binary vision of clothing is more or less anchored in the collective imagination. In this thesis, we will seek to question the binary vision and its stereotypes, and we will discuss, in a spectrum of gender between hypersexualization and games of gender, how fashion evolves and frees itself from the binarity of gender to acquire its fluent possibilities and embrace all the different sexual expressions. In the first component, through the study of feminisms, gender differentiation in masculinity and femininity should not be considered as biological determinism, unchangeable, but as a product of social relations in the heteropatriarchal system, modifiable. Beyond the binarity of male/female, masculinity/femininity, hetero-/ homosexuality, our concept of gender can thus be oriented towards all the multiplicities of identity/sexuality. Regarding the second part, by the history of fashion, socio-cultural facts and current events, we are going to unravel how society imposes on men and women the dress codes to stabilize the standards set out by the system of power, and how gender borders in fashion are moving from the 1920s to the present day. In the last part, we will take the creations and advertisements of the creator Jean-Paul Gaultier as an example to explore how he transgresses gender codes and plays with the clichés proper to each sex. Fashion can thus not only be constructed as a marker of gender, but at the same time has the potential to overturn conventions.


Le vêtement ne se limite pas seulement à la fonction de protection du corps, mais également comme un langage silencieux servant à refléter le fait social, le statut, les identités individuelles et collectives, etc. En particulier, c’est l’un des lieux qui participe à la construction sociale de la différence des sexes. Dans les sociétés occidentales, les codes vestimentaires dictent depuis des siècles que les femmes portent des jupes et des vêtements sophistiqués, et les hommes des vêtements plus sobres et des pantalons (se répandant après dans le reste du monde). Même aujourd’hui, cette vision binaire vestimentaire est plus ou moins ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous questionnerons sur la vision binaire et ces stéréotypes, et, nous chercherons à interroger également, dans un spectrum de genre entre hypersexualisation et jeux de genre, comment la mode évolue et s’affranchit de la binarité du genre pour acquérir ses possibilités fluides et embrasser toutes les différentes expressions sexuelles. Dans la première partie, nous essaierons d’emblée de définir le concept de genre. A travers l’étude des féminismes, la différenciation des sexes en masculinité et féminité ne doit pas être considérée comme déterminisme biologique, inchangeable, mais comme produit de rapports sociax dans le système hétéropatriarcal, modifiable. Au-delà de la binarité de mâle/femelle, masculinité/féminité, hetero-/ homosexualité, notre concept de genre peut ainsi s’orienter vers toutes les multiplicités identitaires/sexuelles. Concernant la deuxième partie, par l’histoire de la mode, les faits socioculturels et les événements actuels, nous ferons un rappel historique pour comprendre comment la société impose aux hommes et aux femmes les codes vestimentaires pour stabiliser les normes étables par le système de pouvoir; nous allons démêler aussi comment les frontières de genres dans la mode se déplacent des années 1920 à nos jours. Dans la dernière partie, nous prendrons le créateur Jean-Paul Gaultier comme un exemple pour explorer comment il transgresse les codes de genre et joue avec les clichés propres à chaque sexe. La mode est donc non seulement comme marqueur du genre, mais aussi a le potentiel de renverser les conventions.

相關附件: 107張以暄.pdf

指導教授:梁蓉、Catherine DESSINGES

口試委員:Fabienne BOISSIERAS


一直以來大家對於里昂的印象就是美食與古城,而讓里昂這座城市在國際發光發熱的其中原 因之一,就是著名的「燈光節 (Fête des Lumières)」。這個節慶在 1852年被創立時,原來只是 一個屬於里昂人祭祀聖母瑪利亞(Vierge Marie)的地方節慶,卻在 1989年市長米歇爾·諾爾 (Michel Noir,1989-1995)、雷蒙·德巴雷(Raymond Barre,1995-2001)及傑哈·科隆(Gérard Collomb,2001-2017)持續經營後,這個一年一度的節慶逐漸從地方性轉換為國際性的大節慶, 也開始吸引全世界各個國家的旅客、贊助商及各國機構的關注;除此之外,裝置藝術及燈光表 演活動也成為了燈光節不可或缺的因素。而根據里昂旅遊局的資料顯示,在 2017年燈光節的 觀光收入已經達到里昂總城市年收入的 10%。而在這中間的轉變過程,正是我們所感興趣 的。
為了瞭解里昂燈光節的發展,本研究第一部分將運用公共行銷理論(Theory of Public Communication)了解燈光節的轉變過程中,說明公共行銷理論在燈光節中的重要性及策略性。 第二部分,透過燈光節不同面向探討燈光節所面臨的不同挑戰,例如,政治面、媒體面、國際 面…及城市面貌留給當地人及外國人的印象。第三部分則透過問卷及海報的製作與呈現,向參 與 2017年燈光節旅客做了完整性的問卷調查,問卷參與人數為 129人,根據性別、國籍、動 機、感覺、住宿、交通方式等…,進行量化交叉分析,經研究結果證實公共行銷理論與里昂燈 光節的發展策略配合地很完善;但經由研究後也發現一些現今的燈光節需要面對的新挑戰,例 如,社群網絡的興起及如何將傳統的燈光節及現今的燈光節做結合;最後,2015年因巴黎恐 怖攻擊事件而被迫取消一次的燈光節,導致後續的燈光節面對的公共安全題,舉辦場地縮小的問題,國家緊急狀態的撤除及之後的回復原本範圍的制度也成為新的政治方面挑戰。
經由這份研究我們可以發現,里昂燈光節,奠定了里昂這座城市在國際,經濟、觀光及行銷 方面,有一定的重要性,也讓這份論文更充滿了資料的完整性,而里昂燈光節每年所呈現的內 容是具有豐富的多樣性,也讓往後研究的人員更有探討的空間。


For Lyon, the first impression that we have is the gastronomy and the ancient architecture. One of the reasons why Lyon shines internationally is for his Fête des Lumières. Once this festival was founded in 1852, it was just a local ceremony reserved for people lived at Lyon to worship Virgin Mary. However, from 1989 Mayor Michel Noir (1989-1995) and his successors, Raymond Barre (1995-2001) and Gérard Collomb (2001-2017) continued to operate this annual festival which has gradually changed from local to international festival, and has attracted the attention of travelers, sponsors and national institutions from all over the world. In addition, installation art and lighting performance activities have become an indispensable factor in the festival. According to the Lyon Tourism Bureau, the tourism revenue of the 2017 Fêtes des Lumières has reached 10% of the annual income of the city of Lyon. And the process of transformation in this middle is exactly what we are interested in. In order to understand the development of the Lyon’s Fête des Lumières, the first part of this study will use the Theory of Public Communication to understand the importance and strategy of theory of Public Communication in Fête des Lumières. In the second part, through the different perspectives of Fête des Lumières, explores the different challenges faced by the festival, such as political, media, international... and the impression that the city is left for locals and foreigners. In the third part, through the production and presentation of the questionnaire and the poster, 129 participants in the 2017 Fête des Lumières helped us complete the survey according to gender, nationality, motivation, feeling, accommodation, transportation, etc... With quantitative crossanalysis, the results of the study confirmed that the theory of Public Communication and Fête des Lumières of Lyon’s development strategy is well-coordinated. But after this study, we also found some new challenges that the current Fête des Lumières needs to face, such as the rise of social networks and how to combine traditional Fête des Lumières with today's Fête des Lumières. Finally, because of the forced cancellation of the Fête des Lumières in 2015 for the reason of terrorist attack taken place at Paris caused several problems. Security issue, shrinking of venues, withdrawal of national emergency situations and the subsequent restoration of the original space of Fête des Lumières are massively emphasized for subsequent Fête des Lumières. Therefore, they have become new challenges for political aspect.
Through this study, we can find that the Fête des Lumières of Lyon has established a certain importance for Lyon in terms of international aspect, economy, tourism and marketing. It also makes this dissertation with more completed information. Every year, the program and the content of the Fête des Lumières of Lyon is rich in diversity, thus, it also allows researchers who are willing to take the same subject to have a more profound aspect to discover.

相關附件: 106黃信翰.pdf

指導教授:梁蓉、Olivier Chatelan

口試委員:Fabienne BOISSIERAS


在現代社會裡,我們將文化遺產視為歷史證據的象徵,背負著文化傳承的使命。遊客及旅行家們再周遊列國的路程中都不會錯過拜訪這些文化資產的機會。許多國家竭力地保存這些具有代表性的遺產,並再透過觀光業的發展,以保護古蹟的方式下再次利用各自的歷史遺跡。因此,古蹟活化及文化遺產化的概念就此萌生,不僅在台灣和法國,此理念已經漸漸擴展至世界各國,為觀光業開發的主要元素之一。 在2014年訪友的旅程中,來至卡卡松城市,被當地超過兩千年歷史古堡的壯觀所驚艷而著迷。遊走在古堡裡的城牆巷弄之間,看到歷史所走過而留下痕跡,箭塔、城垛、教堂,也同時看到現代觀光業的發展, 餐廳、紀念品店、文化活動。這兩個不同世代的產物在現在可以和諧地共生共存,心中不禁懷有一個疑問: 古堡是如何轉變為既是一個〈文化遺產〉又是一個〈觀光勝地〉? 為了找出這個答案,本論文以此疑問點為出發點,分為三大章節來探討以及分析〈文化遺產〉的概念與〈文化遺產化〉的執行。 首先透過歷史的角度去看古堡建造的過程以及過去王國的興盛與沒落,從西元前約六世紀開始,前後經由羅馬人(Les Romains),西哥德人(les Wisigoths), 阿拉伯人(les sarrasins),法蘭克王國的封建時期與王室時期,後來因庇里牛斯條約的簽訂而喪失戰略地位而沒落,險而被拆毀,在當地居民以及文學家梅里美(Mérimée)的捍衛之下得以保住古堡,並派遣維奧萊-勒-杜克(Viollet-le-Duc)建築師來進行修復重建。藉由歷史的角度得以理解過去古堡的各個時代角色與功能演變。 接著我們用理論的角度去探討與分析<文化遺產>概念的起源與定義以及<文化遺產化>的行動,並透過古堡重建整修的過程來詮釋文化遺產化的執行及活化,並搭配觀光業的並存與合作,使古堡同時具有兩個角色。 再來,第三章節我們針對觀光發展的部分來做分析。先比較幾個具代表性的建築來前後比較功能上的轉變和差異,再討論觀光業的正反兩面影響以及近幾年來的觀光效益,來說明文化遺產在觀光業裡的重要性。透過這份研究,從實體層面上看來我們明顯地看到城堡在功能上運用的轉變,從精神層面上來看,是每個時代的思想在流動與改變,而造就於古堡角色上的替換。此外,在現今兩個身份的並存,文化遺產及觀光景點,需取得一個互利的平衡點來維持和諧度,此平衡點不僅僅與涉及管理單位和居民有,更是與身為觀光客的所有人都有密不可分的關係,需要一同努力保護並維持這些珍寶。


In the modern society, we regard cultural heritages as symbols of the history, which carry the mission of inheriting ethnic cultures. Tourists usually won’t miss the chance to visit these antiquities when they travel around the world. Thus, many countries are trying hard to protect cultural heritages and bring them back to life through the development of tourism. Meanwhile, the concepts of the heritage revitalization and patrimonialization have appeared. It’s not only in Taiwan and nor in France, these ideas are spreading in many parts of world and are considered as principal elements of tourism. In 2014, I came to Carcassonne for visiting a friend, and was amazed by the charm of its castle with 2 thousand years of history. When walking through the alleys between the walls, I can see that the old monuments, like towers and churches, were still there. In the meantime, I could also see the modern changes, like restaurants and souvenir shops. Then I noticed that these two symbols of different periods of time can be put together harmoniously. At that moment, a question came into my mind: how was the castle transformed into a historical heritage and a tourist site at the same time? In order to find out the answer, in this thesis, I will discuss and analyze the concept of < heritage (patrimoine) > and the execution of < patrimonialization > in three chapters. In the first chapter, I will try to find out the changes of the functions of the castle and its role throughout the history. According to the recordation, from the 6th century B.C, the Carcassonne Castle was sequentially governed by the Romains, the Wisigoths, the Arabians and the Kingdom of France. Then, because of signing of the Treaty of the Pyrenees, it lost its strategic role and was almost destroyed. But thanks to local people and writer Merimée’s defense, the castle was retained. Later the government sent the architect Viollet-le-Duc to execute its reconstruction. In the second chapter, I will use theoretical methods to analyze the definition and the origin of < heritage (patrimoine) > and execution of < patrimonialization >. I will also explain how the reconstruction of the castle and its changes throughout the time show the achievement of these theories, that is to say, how the castle can have two identities at the same time. In the last chapter, I will focus on the influence of tourism. I will firstly analyze the changes of functions of several buildings before and after the reconstruction. Then I will move on to the advantages and disadvantages of the tourism and its benefits of these years to underscore the importance of heritage to the tourism. Via this research, on the one hand, we can see the changes of the practical functions of the castle ; on the other hand, the mental role it plays also transforms along with the development of thought. Besides, nowadays, its two identities existing at the same time, the cultural heritage and the tourist site, need a balance between them so as to keep the sense of harmony. This not only requires the contribution of local people and of the government, but also concerns every tourist’s effort to protect this cultural treasure.

相關附件: 106顏妙蓁.pdf


《 Étude sur les politiques cinématographiques de la France et de Taïwan, à travers les exemples du Festival de Cannes et du Festival du film du Cheval d’Or 》







In the winter of 1895, the world's first movie was shown in a coffee shop in Paris, France. This was the first publicly available commercial broadcast by way of ticket sales. From that moment, France became the birthplace of the movie, and spared no effort in the development of film culture. Even in the government, those institutions all always contribute themselves to promote international cultural exchange. Under the trend in globalization, France still has a place in the world.

In the first part of this thesis, in order to better understand film is the soft power of France, and the governments support of film development, we will focus on the origin of film and observe how France resists the cultural hegemony of the United States. In the second part, we will investigate the differences between French and Taiwanese film institutions. In the last part, we will use the Cannes Film Festival and the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival as the examples to understand the underlying elements of the film festival and the interaction between international films. Finally, we believe that understanding this will offer Taiwan a direction in long-term and help create opportunities for international cooperation.

相關附件: 106魏靖之.pdf



指導教授:鄭安群、Florence Godeau

口試委員:鄭安群、Florence Godeau、Laurent Mattiussi


此論文比較了兩位19世紀的女性旅行作者—— Flora Tristan與Olympe Audouard的遊記與個人日記,這兩位法國女性皆為了婦女權利而奔波。此研究主要聚焦在兩本反映個自人生的作品,分別為Flora的《Pérégrinations d’une Paria》與Audouard的《Voyage à travers mes souvenirs》。前者出版於Tristan的祕魯之行後,目的為宣示自己在西班牙父親那邊的遺產繼承之正當性;後者為Olympe暮年時寫的回憶錄,回顧過往在北美洲、埃及、土耳其、俄國等旅行的經歷。應用Hélène Cixous在《Le Rire de la Méduse》、《Stigmata》與Sara Mills在《Discourses of Difference》中的陳述,以Foucault的話語理論奠基,從社會學與心理學的面向分析。Tristan與Olympe的人生創傷與旅行的愉悅,使他們有機會突破殖民時期傳統的思維與19世紀女性的制式寫作。 第一章主要分析18-19世紀旅遊寫作史的概況,對照當時的社會背景與男女作家寫作的特點。針對本論文兩位研究對象:Flora Tristan和Olympe Audouard,第二章詳述兩位作者的家庭背景與社會成就。第三章主要呈現她們在遊記中的主題,例如穿著、音樂、宗教、生活、社會矛盾、階級和權力等議題的處理,並探討她們如何突破制式的女性寫作與男性化的殖民式寫作。同時,兩位皆支持婦女的自由、權利與「快樂」,亦對於當權者拿破崙一世與三世,表達出反專制統治的思想。Flora的文章是戲劇性地,靈感來自於她的熟人,Olympe則常以幽默諷刺的文筆呈現。第四章詳細探討了她們人生中的創傷、重建自我認同和喚醒社會不公正的方式。Flora為秘魯的教育提出見解、巡視法國的城市、倡導工人的權利等,Olympe則是尋求法律途徑,以合法程序爭取婦女言論自由和出版權。最後的結論中,總結了遊記、回憶錄中自我重建與社會成就的關係。


This study compares the personal journals and travel writings of Flora Tristan and Olympe Audouard, two 19th century French women who struggled for the rights of women. It focuses mainly upon two works containing their personal reflections on their life: Tristan’s Pérégrinations d’une Paria published after her journey to Peru to claim her patrimony and Audouard’s Voyage à travers mes souvenirs, written as a memoir in her advanced age after her extensive travel writing on her journeys in North America, Egypt and Turkey, as well Russia. The social and the psychological aspects of their writings are investigated using the Foucault discourse theory applied to women’s writing by Sara Mills’ Discourses of Difference and the theories of Hélène Cixous in Laugh of the Medusa and Stigmata. For Tristan and Audouard, it is their personal suffering and the individual ""jouissance"" which they experience in their travels that gives them the freedom and sometimes break through the conventional discourses of the colonial period and stereotypical 19th century women's writing. Chapter One contains a survey of the history of French travel writing with a contrasting focus on 18th and 19th century works of men and women’s writing and a description of the social context of the period. Chapter Two studies the influential details of their family background and the recognized social achievements of Tristan and Audouard. Chapter Three compares the women travelers’ use of colonial period themes, showing how they broke through the conventions of women’s writing and French colonialist male writings in their treatment of clothing the body and disrobing or unveiling, of music, of religion, of indigenous life and power, as well as social conflicts and class. Both women in their reflections on Napoleon I and Napoleon III demonstrate that they opposed authoritarian rule and supported the early freedom and rights of women to “jouissance”. While Tristan is dramatic and inspired by her acquaintances, Audouard is often humorous and satirical. Chapter Four examines in detail the ways they wrote about their personal traumas, their construction of a new self-identity and awakening to injustices in society. While Audouard fought legal battles for women’s freedom of expression and the right to publish her work, Tristan spoke up for the education of the indigenous in Peru and toured the cities of France, advocating for the rights of workers. In the conclusion, the relation of the reconstruction of self in their travel memoirs to their social achievements is summarized.

相關附件: 105張嵐婷.pdf






This study analyzes a short story-Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupery from three aspects: the autobiography types, the narrative structure, and the conflict between authority-responsibility and affectivity. In the first chapter, the connection between the fiction and the author's experience is confirmed based on the prototype of the main character Rivière constructed from the letters written by Saint-Exupery to his mother and the memoirs of his wife, as well as the flying experiences narrated in the story. In the second chapter, the narrative theory of Gerard Genette is applied to analyze the order of narration, the narrative speed and to determine the narrator of the story in order to comprehend the narration technique and the position of the narrator. In the last chapter, using Tzvetan Todorov's theory of narrative, the conflict between the authority-responsibility represented by the main character, Rivière, and the friendship, love, and other emotions shown by the other characters the story is further analyzed in order to investigate transitions in Rivière’s mental state under the conflict.

相關附件: 105呂學臻.pdf


口試委員:Fabienne Boissieras、Sabine LARDON





The preservation of gastronomic culture has been a growing concern in the recent years, and it’s thanks to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In 2010, UNESCO declares that French cuisine is a world intangible heritage, this is a first pioneer gastronomical all over the world. In this thesis, we will discover the link between French gastronomy and the intangible cultural heritage via the historical and linguistic approach. To better understand the influence of French gastronomy for future generations, our study will focus in the origin of the gastronomy. In the second part of my study will bring to light the diversity of French cuisine in each region with reference to the city of Lyon “The Capital of the Gastronomy” and to one of its specialties foods for their quenelles lyonnaise. The last part, we will find out the important role of the French cookbooks and gastronomic guides in the dissemination of gastronomy throughout the world. Through the development in the field of marketing and international, we will presently reveal the position of this culture heritage.


Ces dernières années, la préservation de la culture gastronomique a été une préoccupation croissante, et ce grâce à la convention du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO). La France a été pionnière en 2010 et sa gastronomie a été remarquée par l’UNESCO. Dans ce mémoire, nous découvrirons le lien qui existe entre la gastronomie française et le patrimoine culturel immatériel à travers l’approche historique et linguistique. Nous nous intéresserons à l’origine de la gastronomie afin de mieux comprendre son influence sur générations futures. Ensuite, nous examinerons les moyens à l’uvre pour transmettre et promouvoir cette culture actuellement. Nous mettrons au jour la diversité de la gastronomie française dans chaque région en faisant référence plus particulièrement à la ville de Lyon, et à une de ses spécialités qu’est « la quenelle lyonnaise ». À la fin de l’étude, nous tenterons d’évaluer le rôle des livres culinaires et des guides gastronomiques dans la diffusion de la gastronomie française dans le monde entier. Enfin, nous prendrons en compte le développement de la gastronomie dans le domaine du marketing et de l’internationalisation. À travers cette étude, nous dégagerons le rôle de la gastronomie française au niveau international aujourd’hui.

相關附件: 105鄭雅慈.pdf


《 Le rayonnement de la langue française parmi les étrangers. Etude de cas : l’Alliance française de Lyon et de Taïwan depuis leur création 》

指導教授:梁蓉、Isabelle GARNIER

口試委員:Pierre SERVET


法國以她的文化發展在世界上享有崇高的名氣。在文化傳播方面也不遺餘力。文化的傳播管道有很多,本論文探討以語言作為文化傳播之途徑,研究法國第一個國際性文化機構-法國文化協會之發展及透過問卷方式了解其實質之影響。 第一章,我們先介紹法國語言的發展及對外傳播的過程。從十六世紀法文首次被納入國家的一部分開始,直到第五共和國第一個文化部的創立。第二章我們開始進入法國文化協會的發展過程及營運模式,並以里昂法國文化協會及台灣法國文化協會為個例,探討法語在法國本土及在國外對外國人之推廣成效。第三章節,為了能更加瞭解法國文化協會之實行方式,我們將之與另外兩個機構作比較。首先是里昂當地同樣作為語言與文化傳播的機構-Le CPU。接著是受到法國文化協會啟發的機構之一,由中國政府成立之國際性語言傳播機構-孔子學院。 最後,經由以上的比較及研究,本文末節將提出其可改善之處及實質的建議。


France is famous for their cultural development, especially in terms of cultural diffusion. There are many ways to spread one culture, in this study, researcher will discover how France propagate their culture through their language, especially through the Alliance française. French language had been register as official language by the French gouvernment since the 16th century and become commonly used in many countries, particularly in European continent. Alliance française is the first international cultural institution who promote French language and French culture. This study will discover the way it promote French language and French culture to foreigner, and will also see if the result of this promote have reach its goal by distributing the questionnaire to their students. To deepen this research, study also propose two institutions to compare with: le CPU and Institut Confucius, which also promote French and French culture to foreigner in Lyon, and the other promote Chinese language and Chinese culture in the similar way as Alliance française.


La France acquiert une place importante dans le monde par sa réputation dans le champ culturel. L’un des moyens pour réaliser son rayonnement culturel est l’enseignement linguistique. Dans ce mémoire, nous découvrirons l’origine du développement de la langue française en France et de son expansion hors de France, particulièrement avec le cas de l’Alliance française. Nous étudierons les propositions de l’Alliance française de Lyon ainsi que de celle de Taïwan pour diffuser la langue et la culture françaises et les résultats de l’enquête auprès des étudiants des deux associations pour la réalisation de ce rayonnement. Nous ferons aussi la comparaison des résultats de l’Alliance française et du CPU, autre association enseignant la langue et la culture françaises à Lyon, pour élargir le champ de notre étude. Nous comparerons également le mode de gestion de l’Alliance française et de l’Institut Confucius, autre association qui, avec des moyens similaires, a pour but de propager la langue et la culture chinoises. A travers ces résultats, nous pourrons observer si l’Alliance française atteint ses objectifs, et quels sont les points qu’elle pourrait optimiser.

相關附件: 104葉青青.pdf

指導教授:吳錫德、I-Lang CHANG

口試委員:Pierre SERVET


在全球化的背景下,個人的多語能力已非常常見,為了達到國際化交流,語碼轉換的情形時有所見。本論文以在法國的台灣學生為例,探討中文和法文之間的語碼轉換現象。 在第一章節,我們利用語言學家Poplack和Gumperz的理論來定義語碼轉換的概念,介紹類型和語用功能。第二章介紹研究對象和語料的蒐集方法,我們採用兩種方式,對話錄音和問卷採訪,分析其類型以及插入語的詞性。第三章我們將得出台灣學生使用語碼轉換的功能和因素。 我們發現在蒐集到的語料中,在類型上,出現最多的是句內語碼轉換,而插入語是以名詞比例最高。在功能方面,我們分成六種:轉述、便利、感嘆、重述、說明解釋、引起注意;而在因素方面,我們分成六種:話題、語言能力、語言靠攏、環境影響、容易理解以及講話生動。 從上述分析,可以讓我們從不同的語言環境去探索語碼轉換機制,幫助我們了解台灣學生在法國的語用情形及其特質。


In this study, we will investigate the phenomenon of code-switching between Chinese and French among the Taiwanese students in France. Our study will apply the theory of linguist Shana Poplack and John Joseph Gumperz to analyse the structure, function and the factor in their linguistic practices. By exploring the functions and the motivation of code-switching, we will be able to analyse how and why the phenomenon is present in Taiwanese student’s conversation. For collecting the corpus, two research methods have applied on the study: First is through the recorded conversations and second is interviews with questionnaire. Our study will analyze the types of code-switching which appear in the conversations of Taiwanese students. Furthermore, our study will find out the different functions and the factors of code-switching. The purpose of this study is to explain the reasons for the alternative use of two languages spoken by Taiwanese students.


Dans ce mémoire, nous découvrirons le phénomène de l’alternance codique entre le chinois et le français chez les étudiants taïwanais en France. Nous utiliserons la théorie de la linguistique de Shana Poplack et John Joseph Gumperz pour analyser la structure, la fonction et le facteur de leurs pratiques langagières. En explorant le fonctionnement et la motivation de l’alternance codique, nous étudierons le comment et le pourquoi de cette pratique dans leurs discours. Au travers de deux méthodes, le corpus recueilli et l’entretien, nous tenterons d’abord de différencier les formes de l’alternance codique qui apparaissent dans leurs conversations, ensuite, nous tenterons de dégager les différentes fonctions et facteurs qui motivent le mélange linguistique, pour comprendre les raisons de l’usage alternatif des deux langues parlées par les étudiants taïwanais.

相關附件: 104徐詩涵.pdf


《 Les échanges culturels dans le domaine des Beaux-Arts:Le cas de l'"Exposition Monet" au Musée national d'histoire, 2013 》




隨著社會的富裕,文化消費的交易量也隨之增高。引進法國高檔美術作品相當符合社會需求,也頗受台灣各界的青睞,尤其也能替辦展單位帶來許多正面的形象及利潤。過去15年,台法博物館特展之交流活動因而相當頻繁。本論文主要探討美展之引進過程與運作模式,特別是博物館與媒體之間的合作模式,並望進一步探討文化全球化下的文化流通對於台灣本土文化輸出與輸入嚴重失衡的文化入超現象。 本論文以2013年在史博館展出的「莫內特展」作為研究個案,查訪並分析展覽之引進與運作模式,探討博物館與合辦媒體的合作關係。得出幾項發現,包括媒體主導活動、觀眾熱烈參與、商業利益優先,也提及幾點建議,如專業分工各司其職、博物館化被動為主動、維持觀展品質重要性。


With today's affluent society, trading volume of cultural consumption also increase. To import French high-end art works are quite consistent with the needs of society and quite popular in different circles of Taiwan. In particular, it can bring many positive image and profits for exhibitors. Over the past 15 years, exchange activities of museum exhibition between Taiwan and France are quite frequently. This thesis focuses on the process of introducing art exhibition and the mode of operation, especially the cooperative mode between the media and museum. And hope to further explore the circulation mode of cultural globalization for Taiwan, culture imbalance of output and input, the phenomenon of cultural trade deficit. In this thesis, we study the case of the ""Monet Exhibition"" at the National Museum of History in 2013. Visits and analysis the import process and the operation mode of ""Monet Exhibition"". To explore the cooperative relation of museum and media. We have several discoveries, including the media-led activities, enthusiastic audience participation, commercial interests priority. we also mention some suggestions, such as two sides specialization, museum should regain the initiative and maintain the quality of the exhibition.


Avec société d'abondance, le volume d'échange de la consommation culturelle augmentent également. Pour importer des uvres haut de gamme français sont tout à fait compatibles avec les besoins de la société et très populaire dans les différents milieux de Taiwan. En particulier, il peut apporter beaucoup image positive et les bénéfices pour les exposants. Dans les 15 dernières années, les activités d'échange d'exposition du musée entre Taiwan et la France sont assez fréquemment. Cette thèse porte sur le processus d'introduction les expositions d'art et le mode de fonctionnement, notament le mode de coopération entre les médias et le musée. Et on espère d'explorer davantage le mode de circulation de la mondialisation culturelle pour Taiwan, la culture déséquilibre de sortie et d'entrée, le phénomène de déficit commercial culturel. Dans cette thèse, on étudie le cas de l'Exposition Monet au Musée national d'histoire en 2013. On visite et analyse du processus d'importation et le mode de fonctionnement de "Monet Exposition". Pour explorer la relation de coopération du musée et du média. On a plusieurs découvertes, y compris les activités menées médias, la participation du public enthousiaste, les intérêts commerciaux priorité. Je mentionne aussi quelques suggestions, comme deux côtés spécialisation, musée doit reprendre l'initiative et de maintenir la qualité de l'exposition.

相關附件: 104蕭斐馨.pdf